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作者:  来源:  日期:2009-1-6

Documents for the cancellation
of the Beijing office
1. 撤消申请书原件(由董事长或总经理签署)致商务局、海关、国税、地税各一份
Application letters for the office cancellation to be signed by the president or the general manager of the head office addressed to respectively to the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the state and local tax bureaus and customs house

2. 由市国税局、市地税局分别出具的完税证明(需要2个月左右)
The certificates both from the state and local tax bureaus to certify that the office has finished the tax procedures (original), which will take about 2 months.

3. 注销登记申请表(董事长或总经理签字,其中包括海关完税证明)
Cancellation Form to be signed by the president or the general manager of the head office with the approval from the customs house

4. 其他相关表格
Other related forms
备案表1份 (范例正在整理中,将尽快再网上发布)
One filing form

5. 承办单位的同意函
An approval letter from the sponsor of the office

6. 登记证、代表证、批准证书原件
The original registration certificate, representative working cards and the original approval from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce

7. 银行关闭账户证明原件
The original certificate to certify that the office has already closed the bank accounts

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