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作者:  来源:  日期:2009-1-6
Documents for the 3-year extension of the office

1. 申请书原件(董事长或总经理签发。请打印签字人的姓名和任职,说明延期意向,并注明原首席代表是否留任。)
An application letter to be signed by the president of the general manager of the head office with their printed names indicating the reason you want to renew the office and whether the chief Rep. Will be the same person.

2. 业务报告原件(首席代表签字,加盖代表处公章。请写明代表处的成立日期、三年来的业务联系单位、通过联络总公司的成交情况和代表处所有人员的姓名、任职、国籍或中方派出单位及证件号。)
A 3-year business report of the office to be signed by the chief representative and with office seal, indicating the date of the office set-up, the Chinese companies or units you have business relations, the contract value in the previous 3 years and the number and names of the employees of the office.

3. 注册证书复印件(香港企业请同时提交当年的商业登记证)
Copy of the certificate of incorporation of the head office ( A Hong Kong company has to submit its valid Business Registration Certificate)

4. 银行资信证明原件(应对公司的资金运作情况和信誉做出评价。自开出之日起三个月有效。)
An original bank letter to be issued by the bank of the head office and its validity should be within 3 months.

5. 租房协议复印件
A copy of the office lease contract

6. 外国企业常驻代表机构延期申请表(表3)
An Application Form for the Office Extension (Form 3)

7. 其他相关表格
Other related forms

备案表1份 (范例正在整理中,将尽快在网上发布)
One filing form

8. 前次延期的批准证书
All the original approvals from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce

9. 工商登记证原件
The original registration certificate of the office

10. 所有代表证原件
The original working cards of the chief representative and the representatives

Please note that
1). The documents from a Japanese company should be sealed the company seal and
2). The documents should be translated into Chinese if they are in foreign languages.

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