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作者:  来源:  日期:2009-1-6
Documents for the change of representatives

1. 申请书原件(董事长或总经理签发,请打印签字人的姓名和任职)
an application letter to be signed by the president or the general manager of the head office with their printed names.

2. 新代表的任命书原件 (董事长或总经理签发,请打印签字人的姓名和任职)
Appointment letter to be signed by the president or the general manger of the head office with their printed names to the new representatives

3. 原代表的免职书(董事长或总经理签发,请打印签字人的姓名和任职)
Removal letter to be signed by the president or the general manager of the head office to remove the original representatives

4. 新代表的简历
Resume of the new representatives

5. 新代表身份证或护照复印件
Copies of ID cards or passports of the new representatives

6. 新代表五张两寸照片
Five 2-inch photos of the new representatives

7. 批准证书复印件(如离任代表曾获得批准机关颁发的单独任职批准证书,请将该证书原件交回)
Copy of the approval of the office ( The original approvals should returned if the original representatives have separate approvals)

8. 工商登记证复印件(更换首席代表时请交回原件)
copy of the registration certificate

9. 离任代表的代表证
The original working cards of the original representatives should returned.

10. 外国企业常驻代表机构变更申请表(表4)
Application Form (Form 4)

11. 其他相关表格
Other related forms
备案表1份 (范例正在整理中,将尽快在网上发布)
One filing form

12. 代表处人员名单(盖代表处公章,新任代表为外籍人员需提供此文件)
A name list of the office employees to be signed by the chief representative with office seal

Please note that the documents should be translated into Chinese if they in foeign languages and introductory letters should be submitted if the new representatives are Chinese

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