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作者:  来源:  日期:2009-1-6

Procedures for the JV establishment
一. 设立合资企业需确定事项
Items to be decided for the establishment of JV companies

1. 企业名称
Name of the JV companies

2. 企业地址及相关场地租约
Lease contracts for the company address or factory site

3. 注册资本
Registered capital

4. 生产经营范围
Production scope

5. 双方投资额及投资比例
Investment amount from each side and the investment ratio

二. 工商名称查询
Name checking in the registration office

三. 申报材料
Documents for the establishment of JV companies

Letter of Intent

1. 可行性研究报告
Feasibility study report

2. 公司章程
Articles of association

3. 合资合同
JV contract

四. 提供文件
Other documents

1. 注册证书复印件
Business license or certificate of incorporation of the investors

2. 银行资信证明
Original bank credibility letter

3 董事会成员名单
Name list of board members

4. 董事会成员任命、个人简历、照片、护照复印件
Appointment letters of the board members, their resume, photos and copies of their ID cards or passports

五. 工商登记文件
Documents required for the registration in the registration office

1. 正副董事长签署的中外合资企业登记注册申请书一式三份
Application forms to be signed by the chairman of the JV companies for the JV registration (in three sets)

2. 公司章程及审批机关的批准文件及批准证书副本
Articles of association of the JV companies, approval documents of the departments concerned and the duplicate of the approval for the JV establishment

3. 项目建议书,可行性研究报告及批准文件
Project proposal, its feasibility study report and their approvals

4. 投资者所在国颁发的营业执照(中方要加盖工商局章)
Business license or certificate of incorporation of the investors with their stamps on

5. 银行资信证明
Bank credibility letters

6. 企业董事会名单及董事会成员、正副董事长的委派文件和上述人员的身份证明
Name list of the board members of the JV companies, the appointment letters of the board members and chairman and vice-chairman of the board and their ID cards or passports

7. 涉及城市建设和环境保护的,应提交有关主管部门的批件
Approvals from the construction and environmental departments

8. 从事国家有关专项规定的经营项目,还应提交有关主管机关的批准文件
Other approvals from the departments concerned for special projects

9. 相关申报表
Other relevant documents

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